Did you hear about youth softball from a friend or neighbor and want to find out more?

First, you're in the right spot.  We offer programs for boys and girls. If you have a child that is interested in softball regardless of age, youth or high school, have them check out our new to softball videos posted in the right column.

Our site has a tremendous amount of info so please read through the information on the Pride tab. Can't find what you are looking for? Just email us and we'll be happy to chat with you.

Softball has captivated kids for the past decades. Don't worry if your kid has never played, as most kids here haven't so your child is not at a disadvantage.  A lot of kids have only picked up a bat in the last couple of years, and every year we add more new kids to the program.


Beginner’s Guide to Calling Pitches

By Ken Krause, Fastpitch Lane 08/06/2018, 12:00pm EDT

Start low and out. Most hitters don’t like that pitch and will let it go by for a free strike. “When in doubt, throw low and out.”

How to Coach a Softball Team of Beginners

By Rolando Rosa, Youth1 03/06/2018, 12:00pm EST

I don’t let them use a glove to field with at the first practice. They learn the catch ground balls barehanded using two hands.

3 Reasons Why Your Softball Grip Matters

By Lindsey Wallace, Rip-It Blog 07/20/2017, 9:45am EDT

When fastpitch softball players look for a bat they normally seek a bat that has the balance they want, pop, a fast swing speed, and a desirable design.